Your donations go towards sharing Islam all over Canada!
  • Sharing Islam to 1,000's across Canada
  • Teaching new Muslims how to pray
  • Distributing material about Islam
  • ​​Training people how to effectively share Islam.
Why give a monthly donation?
As a direct result of this noble effort iERA is able to:
  • Train people how to effectively share Islam.
  • Write design and distribute dawah materials.
  • Teach ​new Muslims how to pray.
  • Organise campaigns, events and deliver lectures.
  • Engage in international outreach work.
How far do my donations actually go?
​iERA help share the beautiful message of Islam in over 100 countries with our team of 100 duaat. ​
We've traveled to villages in Namibia, Botswana and Tanzania to share Islam with local nomadic tribes.
As well as taught thousands how to pray in MexicoArgentina and Philippines to name but a few.
How do I get involved?
Is there a good deed better than calling people to Islam? Allah tells us in The Qur'an that dawah (inviting people to Islam) is the act most loved by him.
The Prophet Muhammed said "...the most beloved deed to Allah is the most regular and constant even though it were little.”
Disclaimer: iERA Canada is a registered non-profit charity with the government with its tax exemption status under review. Until we are approved and begin providing tax receipts, your donation will be a gift. Visit the CRA website for more information.